Video Games Global Conference brings you one of the most anticipated video games event of each year.
We gather and connect the most enthusiasts gamers, tech journalists, awesome developers and companies from all around the globe.
Here you have the opportunity to listen to the greatest minds behind the games that you love. Meet new aspiring developers and share ideas. Participate in awesomes Game Jams, where you can learn and make a video game or develop a new idea if you're a seasoned amateur developer, and win prizes for it.
So if you consider yourself a video game enthusiast or a game developer you are welcome to join us in this year convention!

If you have any questions, suggestions or congratulations, feel free to write us at this E-mail address

Volunteer Program

Every year we put up a call to all you good hearted gamers out there to help us out in many of the tasks, that an event this big has to tackle. This year is no different, and we are requesting your colaboration. So if you have some free time that you are willing to spend with us, between October 20 and October 22 of 2021, hit us with an email at with your name and contact info. Thanks!

Fallout poster calling to join

See some of the past Video Games Conferences

Take a look at the last two editions, one held in New York, U.S.A. and the other one in Kyoto, Japan